Foundation purpose, law & statutes
The main task of the Bavarian Memorial Foundation is clearly defined in the Memorial Site Foundation Act:
"The purpose of the foundation is to preserve and organise the memorial sites as witnesses to the crimes of National Socialism, as places of remembrance of the suffering of the victims and as places of learning for future generations, to support historical research relating to them and to help ensure that knowledge of the historical events is kept alive in people's consciousness and passed on." (GedStG, Art. 2)
In addition to the original memorial site work, the Foundation's mission also includes supporting historical and political education, issuing its own publications and cooperating with organisations with similar objectives within Germany and abroad.
Further information on the structure, tasks and function of the "Bavarian Memorial Foundation" can be found in the law on its establishment of 24 December 2002 and its statutes. Below you can find the current version (only available in German) of the statutes following the inclusion of the Bavarian concentration camp memorial sites in the Federal Memorial Concept of 3 December 2009: